Dive Komodo offers PADI specialty courses. These are a series of dives relating to a specific interest in underwater activity.

PADI AWARE Shark Conservation Specialty

Did you know that there are over 500 different species of shark living in all types of marine environments, and with great differences in looks and behavior? They have been around for 400 million years but now humans are quickly depleting sharks from our oceans, causing a devastating effect on the marine ecosystem.

This course focuses on why the shark is important to a healthy ocean, what their threats are and what you and I can do to make a difference. 

Course Content

Your instructor will cover the theory in a presentation and then take you diving to survey shark numbers, habitats and identify potential threats. 

Bonus at Dive Komodo

At Dive Komodo we go a step further than the scope of this PADI course; we will also teach you how to survey other key marine species such as rays, marine mammals and turtles that we commonly find in Komodo. In addition we identify human impact, record water conditions and numbers of boats on that site. The collected data is shared to local authorities for national park management decisions and also with Manta Watch, a local NGO which works towards protection of manta rays in Indonesia.  

This course is beneficial for both those that are a bit nervous of sharks and for those that have already realized what incredible and serene animals they are!

Prerequisite: Open Water Certification
Duration: 1 day (3 dives)
Maximum depth: As per your previous certification
Instructor to student ratio: 1:4

Price: IDR 4,000,000

PADI Underwater Photography Specialty

Underwater Photography is a captivating and creative challenge. Not only will you make photos with great memories of your holiday, but you’ll vastly improve your buoyancy and learn to dive more effectively.
Learn about digital photography techniques, without harming the environment you are photographing. 

The PADI Digital Underwater Photography Specialty gets you going quickly with today’s modern digital equipment, whether you use a GoPro or a sophisticated SLR like the professionals.

Course Content

  • Choosing the right underwater camera system for you
  • Manipulating natural and artificial light to get the best colour and depth in your images 
  • Diving efficiently with a camera and ensure that you don’t harm the reef
  • Basic editing techniques

Prerequisite: Open Water Certification
Duration: 1 day (3 dives)
Maximum depth: As per previous certification
Instructor to student ratio: 1:4

Price per person: 

IDR 4,500,000 : 1 student

IDR 4,000,000 : 2-4 students

PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy Specialty

Divers who have mastered their buoyancy are the ones that stand out. You’ve seen them underwater; they glide effortlessly, ascend, descend or hover, almost as if by thought. They also interact gently with aquatic life and end the dive with plenty of air left in their tank. 

This course is packed with various techniques to dramatically improve your buoyancy, air consumption, finning technique and general control. Having great buoyancy means feeling more relaxed and makes any other diving activity easier to master.

Course content:

  • How to adjust your scuba gear and weights so you are balanced in the water
  • How to streamline to save air and move smoothly
  • Finning techniques for different situations
  • How to hover comfortably in various positions

Prerequisite: Open Water Certification
Duration: 1 day (3 dives)
Maximum depth: As per previous certification
Instructor to student ratio: 1:4

Price per person: 

IDR 4,500,000 : 1 student

IDR 4,000,000 : 2-4 students

PADI Deep Diver Specialty

Ever wondered what lurks in the depths? 

It is not only a magical and exhilarating feeling to explore the deep but also opens the possibility for you to dive sites that are only good at depth; such as certain shipwrecks.

During the course you learn to remain safe whilst diving down to 40 metres and by the end of this course you will be certified to dive to this depth.

Course content:

  • Planning dives around your limits; air, no decompression time and distance to exit
  • Fine tuning buoyancy to conserve air 
  • Preparation and diving with an additional air source
  • Emergency drills related to deep diving
  • Understand your reaction to nitrogen narcosis
  • Experience how colour and gas volumes are affected by depth

Prerequisite: Advanced Open Water certification
Duration: 2 days (4 dives)
Maximum depth: 40m
Instructor to student ratio: 1:4

Price per person: 

IDR 4,500,000 : 1 student

IDR 4,000,000 : 2-4 students

Night Dive Specialty

After the sun sets many dive sites completely change! Moray eels, lionfish, octopus and coral polyps come out to feed whilst many reef fish are seen sleeping inside the corals. Your torch light will show the true vibrant color of the reef compared to day diving where color is lost due to less light the deeper you go.

Learn to dive safely at night including use of dive lights and buddy procedures, and learn about nocturnal aquatic life. This course is only available on our liveaboard trips.

Course Content:

  • Night dive planning, procedures, techniques and potential problems
  • Controlling buoyancy at night
  • Entries, exits and underwater navigation at night
  • Nocturnal aquatic life identification and change of behavior

Prerequisite: Open Water Certification
Duration: 3 dives spread over liveaboard trip; min 4 day /3 night trips
Maximum depth: As per previous certification
Instructor to student ratio: 1:4

Price per person (on top of Liveaboard price): 

IDR 2,500,000 : 1 student

IDR 2,000,000 : 2-4 students

After the sun sets many dive sites completely change! Moray eels, lion fish, octopus and coral polyps come out to feed whilst many reef fish can be seen sleeping inside the corals. Your torch light will show the true vibrant color of the reef compared to day diving where color is lost due to less light the deeper you go.

Learn to dive safely at night including use of dive lights and buddy procedures, and learn about nocturnal aquatic life. This course is only available on our liveaboard trips.

Course Content:

Night dive planning, organization, procedures, techniques and potential problems.
How to control your buoyancy at night, entries, exits and underwater navigation at night.
Nocturnal aquatic life identification and change of behavior.

Prerequisite: Open Water Certification
Duration: 3 dives spread over liveaboard trip; min 4d/3n trips
Maximum depth: As per previous certification
Instructor to student ratio: 1:4

Price: 2,500,000 IDR on top of liveaboard price

Enriched Air (Nitrox) Specialty

Diving with Enriched Air (Nitrox) will give you longer No Decompression Limits (NDL), so it is great for staying longer at semi-deep depths. It also cuts down the surface interval time making it a great option for liveaboards that dive 4-5 times per day.

You have a choice of getting certified without actually diving (dry course) or join our day boat for two Nitrox dives and one air dive. 

Course Content:

  • Planning dives for different Nitrox blends
  • Analyzing gas mix and recording your Nitrox tanks
  • Keeping safe whilst diving Nitrox

Prerequisite: Open Water Certification

Maximum depth: As per previous certification
Instructor to student ratio: 1:4

Price and Duration: 

  • 1,600,000 Dry course 
  • 4,200,000 One day trip with 2 Nitrox tanks & 1 air tank
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