This fun, challenging and informative continuing education course (3-4 days) will take you to the next level of diver competency and safety. In this course you learn how to prevent, recognize and safely and effectively manage diver emergencies, both underwater and on the surface

Course Content

Knowledge Development:
  • Self-study using the PADI Rescue Diver Manual and watching the corresponding videos.
  • Knowledge reviews and discussions with an instructor to reinforce key concepts related to dive rescue.
Rescue Diver Skills:
  • Self-Rescue and Diver Stress:
    • Recognizing and managing stress in yourself.
    • Emergency management and equipment considerations.
  • Diver Assist and Help System:
    • Assisting tired divers.
    • Panicked diver response.
  • Surface and Underwater Search for Missing Divers:
    • Procedures for locating a missing diver at the surface and underwater.
  • Response from Shore or Boat:
    • Distressed diver response from a shore or boat.
  • First Aid for Diving-Related Injuries:
    • Recognition and initial management of injuries specific to diving.
  • In-Water Rescue Breathing:
    • Techniques for providing rescue breaths while in the water.
  • Egress (Exits):
    • Assisting a diver to exit the water in various situations.
  • First Aid for Non-Diving Emergencies:
    • Responding to emergencies outside the scope of diving.
Rescue Scenarios:
  • Practical application of the skills learned in controlled rescue scenarios.
  • Simulated emergency situations to reinforce rescue techniques.
Final Assessments:
  • Knowledge assessments to evaluate understanding of rescue concepts.
  • Practical assessments to gauge the application of rescue skills.
  • PADI Advanced Open Water Diver certification (or equivalent).
  • Completed EFR (Emergency First Response) Primary and Secondary Care training within the past 24 months.

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