Dive Master Course

Would you like to become a Pro Diver

Komodo is ranked as one of the world’s best diving destinations, with a mind boggling abundance of coral and fish species. You’ll never regret spending some extra time here while opening up the door to a life of exploration, adventure, and fun. So why not Go Pro?

The Divemaster course runs over 6 weeks and is the first professional level qualification. It teaches you how to lead certified divers, assist courses and how to organize everything needed for a dive trip.

We don’t just stop at the required basics, we take great pride in teaching Divemaster candidates about the dynamic marine environment of Komodo, how to find and spot all the special macro critters, and learning how to best spot and interact with the mega-fauna (manta rays, sharks, and turtles) Komodo is famous for!


Rescue Diver; EFR (last 24 months), 18 years age, medical clearance
Duration: 6 weeks
Instructor to student ratio: 1:2

Contact us for further details
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